The new citizen’s income
What will change from January 1, 2023 for people who are entitled to social benefits in Germany?
The new citizen’s income rates and special needs regulations in detail
All necessary information for calculation of requirements
What will change in detail?
You can findall the necessary information in a brochure about the new SGB II here:
Will my ALG 2 (Hartz IV) automatically be converted into Citizen’s Income or do I have to submit a new application?
If you are in receipt of ALG 2, you do not need a new application.
On January 1, 2023, Unemployment Benefit II (ALG 2), better known as Hartz IV, was replaced by the new Citizen’s Income.
In addition to the new name and the increased standard rate amounts, there are a few other changes and innovations that we would like to summarize here and explain where necessary.
If you have any questions about benefits to which you are entitled, applications and other social matters, such as finding accommodation, asylum law, child benefit, health insurance, care allowance, substitute care, etc., you are welcome to contact our ZIVD team for social advice and support at any time.
Calculator for Citizen’s Income and online application
Citizen's income briefly explained
Citizen’s income is NOT unconditional basic income, but a basic income for the Basic income support for people capable of work. It was introduced on January 1, 2023.
This social assistance from the state replaces unemployment benefit II/ALG 2 (Hartz IV) and is linked, among other things, to the condition that the person applying for it is in need.
Eligibility requirements are basically neediness, ability to work, availability for the local job center. It is often paid following unemployment benefit I if a new job has not yet been found.
It is not absolutely necessary to have your own account, it can also be paid into another account or by check for cash payment, e.g. at Postbank.
Calculate claim
To check whether and how much you are entitled to, you can use one of the calculators on the Internet.
Here is one of them:
Citizen’s allowance calculator
Some changes will not come into force until July 1, 2023
See also SGB II (Citizen’s Income Act)
Compared to ALG 2, the standard rates per person have increased.
Single persons receive 502 euros, i.e. 53 euros more than with ALG 2.
Important note!
You do not need to submit a new application for Citizen’s Allowance if you are already receiving ALG 2.
Your Hartz IV will automatically be converted to Citizen’s Income, but please check that the payment amount is correct. See below for standard rates.
The 2023 standard rates at a glance
502 euros – for a single person
451 euros – for marital or non-marital partners in a partnership (joint household)
420 euros – for children aged 14 to 17 years
348 euros – for children aged 6 to 13 years
318 euros – for children up to and including the age of 5
Payment dates
As with ALG 2, the payment date is the last working day of the month.
Here you can find the
payment dates for the year 2023
at a glance.
The “Verein für soziales Leben e.V.” provides clear and comprehensible information on all innovations and current changes the “Verein für soziales Leben e.V.” on
. Further information, forms and online applications can be found